
Keyence Automation Product Series and Features

Keyence Corporation is a leading provider of automation products that help businesses optimize their manufacturing processes through innovation. Their products are designed to help companies achieve greater productivity, higher quality, and improved profitability. Here are some of the key features of the Keyence automation product series that make them stand out in the market.

1. Advanced Sensing Technology

Keyence's sensors use advanced technology that enables them to sense a wide range of parameters, including pressure, temperature, vibration, humidity, and more. The sensors are highly accurate, reliable, and can be used for various applications in different industries, such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, food and beverage, and medical.

2. High-Quality Vision Systems

Keyence's vision systems are designed to help companies improve their quality control processes and reduce defects. The systems use advanced cameras and software that can detect defects in products, measure distances and angles, and perform other tasks that were traditionally done by human operators.

3. Powerful Automation Software

Keyence's automation software is intuitive, user-friendly, and provides comprehensive solutions for various automation processes. The software helps businesses streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve productivity. It also enables them to monitor and control their processes remotely, which is critical for companies with distributed operations.

4. Wide Range of Products

Keyence offers a wide range of automation products that cater to different industry needs. Their product series includes sensors, vision systems, measurement systems, barcode readers, laser markers, safety equipment, and more. This variety means that companies can find a suitable product that meets their specific requirements.

5. Strong Customer Support

Keyence provides excellent customer support that is available 24/7. Their support team is highly trained and experienced in helping customers with any technical issues they may encounter. This ensures that customers can get the support they need, when they need it.

In conclusion, Keyence's automation products are highly advanced, reliable, and user-friendly. Their product series is designed to help businesses optimize their manufacturing processes, reduce costs, and improve productivity. With their strong customer support and wide range of products, Keyence is a leader in the automation industry.


The models with many sales records are as follows:

Models Models Models Models Models Models
KV-10DR EX-422 IV2-G500CA KV-LE20 LV-N11CP PZ-G61CP
KV-FL20V EX-510 IV2-GD10 KV-LE20A LV-S61 PZ-G62N
KZ-H2 FP-XHC14T IV-HG10 KV-LM20 MT-100 PZ-M71P
PZ-V33P FSV21 IV-HG150MA KV-MC20V MT-150 PZ-V31
VT3-S10 FS2-60 IV-HG500MA KV-MC40V MT-250 RJ-800
0P-27937 FS-M1 IV-HG600MA KV-ML MT-260 RV2-52
78ZDR9-400T1 FSN11CP JC500 KV-ML16V MT-260B RV3-55B
AG-411 FS-N11N JC-500 KV-MX1 MT-450 SJ-H084A
AS-440-10 FS-N12P KV-AD40V KV-NC32T MU-N11 SK200
AS-440-10U FS-N41P KV-1000 KV-RC16BX MV-20 SL-C20H
CA-200C FS-V11 KV-10DT KV-RC4AD MV-21 SL-R11
CA-CH10X FS-V21R KV-16DT KV-TF40 MV-42 SR1000
CA-CH3 FS-V21RP KV-24DR Kv-U5 MV-B20K SR-1000
CA-CH5 FS-V31 Kv-300 KV-U7 MV-B75K SR-1000W
CA-CHX10U FS-V33 KV-3000 KV-XLE02 MV-M40 SR-2000
CA-CN585444290900 FU-11 KV-40DT KZ-300 N-R2 SR-2000W
CA-D10R FU12 KV-5000 KZ-350 NU-CL1 SR-510
CA-D5MX FU-12 KV-5500 KZ-A500 NX-50CL SR-700
CA-DC60E FU-16Z KV-700 KZ-B16R OP-24028 SR-710
CA-HX200M FU-35FZ KV-7300 KZ-C16X OP-51580 SR-B1
CA-MN80 FU-48U KV-7500 KZ-C32T OP-84231 SR-CG14
CA-U2 FU-49U KV-AD40 KZ-C32X OP-87225 SR-G100
CA-U4 FU-49X KV-B16RA KZ-L2 OP-87226 SR-HL1
CF-P100 FU63 KV-B16TA KZ-R16R OP-87230 SR-LR1
CLV650-6000 FU-66TZ KV-B16TC KZ-R16X OP-87231 SR-PU1
CV-5001P FU-67 KV-B16XA KZ-U4 OP-87232 SR-UB1
CV-550 FU67V KV-B16XC KZ-U5 OP-87354 SV2-010L2
CV-5501 FU-70TZ KV-C16XTD LK-081 OP-87458 SV2-075L2
CV-551 FU-77TG KV-C32TA LK-2000 OP-87528 SZ-01S
CV-5702P FU-77TZ KV-C32TAP LK3100/LK-010 OP-87902 SZ-04M
CV-701P FU-77V KV-C32TCP LK-C10 OP-87904 SZ-16V
CV-750 FU-7F KV-C32XA LK-G3001PV OP-87905 UD-300
CV-C7R FU-L51Z KV-C32XTD LK-H057K OP-87906 VP-90
CV-H035C FW-V20P KV-C64TCP LR-TB2000CL OP-87906(IV) VT-10TB
CV-M30 GL-R32H-T KV-C64TD LR-TB5000 OP-88002 VT2-10SB
CV-X320F GL-R52H KV-C64XB LR-TB5000C OP-88020 VT2-10TB
CV-X420F GL-R56H KV-C64XC LR-W500 OP-88021 VT2-5MB
CV-X450F GS-A21 KV-CA02 LR-WA1 OP-88029 VT2-5MW
CZ-10 GT2-A12 KV-CL20 LR-ZB100CN OP-96629 VT2-5SB
CZ-H32 GT2-PA12K KV-DA40 LR-ZB100CP OP-99022 VT2-5TB
CZ-V21A HC-50 KV-H20 LR-ZB250CP PS2-61P VT3-10V
CZ-V21AP HC-55 KV-H20G LR-ZH490CB PT-165 VT3-Q5M
CZ-V22AP IG-1000 KV-H20S LR-ZH500CP PX-10CP VT3-Q5MW
DL-PN1 IL-1000 KV-H40S LR-ZH500P PX-H71TZ(10M) VT3-Q5S
EH-302 IL1050 KV-L20 LS-3032 PZ2-42P VT3-Q5T
EV-108U IL-300 KV-L20R LV-11sa PZ2-42P VT3-S12D
EX-13A IL-600 KV-L20V LV-H62 PZ-G102P VT3-V10
EX-201 IV2-G30F KV-L40 LV-N10 PZ-G42N VT3-V10D
XCL-C500 VT-5SB VT3-VD1 VT3-X15 VT3-W4G4 VT3-V7
XG-EC80 VT-L16Z More us VT-5MW VT3-W4M VT3-V8

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Keyence Corporation is a leading provider of automation products that help businesses optimize their manufacturing processes through innovation. Their products are designed to help companies achieve greater productivity, higher quality, and improved profitability.